Solar panels need to be kept clean to maintain the greatest performance. Pollen, dust, sea salt, and pollution are frequently accumulated on solar panels. Expect the airborne particles to accumulate on your panels if there are any, ultimately.
In addition, your panels are more likely to accumulate filth, dirt, or oil if they are close to factories, highways, freeways, or airports, which reduces their effectiveness. Notably, improper cleaning of solar panels might reduce their effectiveness by 15–25%. This makes understanding the best method for cleaning solar panels essential.
Solar Opportunities brings you the step-by-step breakdown:
Step 1: Turn Off Every Part Of Your System
Make careful to turn off the complete system before beginning this safe cleaning of solar panels guide's first step. Follow the manual's suggested shutdown instructions. For more information, consult the operation manual provided by the inverter manufacturer. Verify that the DC, or direct current, systems are completely turned off. You can turn off the AC systems by using the primary switch for the solar supply.
Step 2: Block-Off or disconnect rainwater collection systems or gutters
You need to temporarily disconnect any rainwater tanks attached to your gutters or built into your house. Doing this may prevent dirty run-off water from entering your clean water tanks.
Step 3: Select the Ideal Timing
Selecting the ideal time of day is crucial when learning how to clean solar panels on the roof. Because of the abrupt temperature swings, hot glass on the panels might break when combined with cold water. Additionally, if the sun is shining strongly, any water you spray on the panels may dry out rapidly and produce streaks.
Step Four: Clean the Panels from the Ground
Cleaning your solar panels from the ground is a crucial suggestion to keep in mind. Better safety. Use a hosepipe to achieve this, aiming the water at the PV solar panels. Make sure the nozzle you select will allow the water stream to be directed so that it can reach the solar panels.
Step 5: Spray Water on the Panels' Tops
Although the effectiveness of clean solar panels is substantially higher, you must thoroughly clean them to prevent harm. Make sure only to spray the tops of the panels with water. During the cleaning procedure, some water may come in contact with the PV modules' backs; however, you must prevent it from entering the space between the panels and the roof.
Step 6: Apply a soft cloth and mild soap
During the cleaning procedure, you can use a soft cloth and mild soap if your panels have a buildup of filth and debris. Other options include a plastic blade, a good-quality soft brush, or a sponge coated in cotton. It may be possible to securely clean the panels from the ground by adding a lengthy extension code.
Clean water should be used to rinse the panels once the tenacious dirt and grime have been removed. Ensure the panels are completely dry and all the used soap has been removed. The panels are air-dyed to avoid any buildup of soap or water residue.
Step 7: Wear the proper safety gear if you want to climb on the roof.
Solar panels can't always be cleaned from the ground. Ensure you wear the proper safety gear if you need to climb the roof to do the task effectively. Remember that water and soap increase your chance of falling from the roof. It can get quite slick. If you don't have the necessary tools, it is advisable to employ an expert to handle the situation.
Step 8: Reattach your solar panels and switch them on.
The system can be turned on at the inverter once the panels have dried sufficiently. Then, make sure everything is operating properly.